HR Interview Questions and Answers: Every company conducts an HR interview round to judge your personality, strengths, weaknesses, capability to handle the role, check your background, and understand if you’re the right fit for this job. The HR round is generally the last in the recruitment process of any company.

This is usually the first interview of the day. You go through a small interview round of about 5-10 minutes and get a chance to know the company’s basic details and its HR process. This is also the time to create some soft and warm impressions of the company and the team. This would be the first time when you would get to interact with the entire team. Then, you get a chance to ask questions on your preferred topic. However, there is a slight language barrier since you would be having a short one-on-one conversation with one of the managers. Next round, You go through a one-on-one interview with the interview manager, which takes about 45 minutes or an hour.

HR Interview Questions and Answers

HR Interview Questions For Freshers

HR Interview Questions For Experienced

What to Expect

The HR interview is conducted with objective questions about ensuring you understand their expectations from the role and their job description. You might get to hear a few of these questions and attempt to check if you know what is to be expected from your role and responsibilities. How to prepare for your HR interview Prepare properly and answer questions correctly as it is the most essential skill in the interview. Relate to the role at hand The major aspect of the interview is answering the interviewer’s questions. It is very important to answer all the questions accurately. If you answer the questions in the wrong way, the interviewer would know about it straight away. Do not answer with an opinion. Do not be rude and give your idea.

Know what to wear

Every company has its own rules for the dress code, and the dress code is designed to make the candidate feel comfortable during the interview. Some companies also require the candidate to wear a tie, but some need you to wear a specific color or fabric, or some companies have different dress codes for various departments. Decide on a location It is recommended that you decide where you’re going to meet the interviewers first. This is to avoid you turning up at the wrong place and to avoid any confusion. You should also choose a restaurant that is close to your place. This will help you to avoid parking issues, and the time you waste while trying to find a parking space. Know what to expect The first thing that you should understand is what your interviewer is like.

Be prepared

People often tend to prepare for the interview for about a month. It’s wise to be ready but not to be too prepared. Just prepare about three-four points that you can share with the interviewer. For example, a company likes to see a particular enthusiasm, joy, and positivity. Also, ask the interviewer to give you three or four questions, and you should answer these questions. Tell the truth It’s better, to tell the truth rather than trying to tell lies. It’s a fact that any HR recruiter is not a psychologist, and they cannot tell if you’re lying or not. It’s a simple test if you’re asked a question, answer truthfully, and you’ll be fine. It’s also good, to tell the truth during the introduction part.

Prepare questions

When you are called for an interview, the fear of asking wrong questions builds up as you wonder what you’re going to say to the interviewer. You have to do some prep work and put your best foot forward to answer with the required confidence and inform the interviewer about your personality and capabilities. You are allowed to ask any question you have in your mind about the company, the industry, the role, the expectations, the role of the current members of the team, the future of the company, and anything related to the role that you’re suited for. Interview specific questions Let’s keep the focus on the question at hand.


This can be a tricky question to answer. It is difficult to answer for the interviewer because the expectation is on you to be strong. There are no wrong or correct answers to this particular question. It is about being clear and concise on how you can boost the company’s productivity. Shoulder Dressing The professional look for an HR interview is formal and smart. For example, you should not wear your jeans to an interview. So, you have to arrive 10 minutes early. First, you have to check the company address to get the correct location. Then, you should check out the route to the interview, and your attire will come in the last step. The story’s moral is that the interviewer’s expectations are very high, and a mistake is fatal. The interview should not be stressful for you.

Follow up

The candidates should keep in touch with the company officials, with your HR person, and your manager to get the additional information required for reference. It helps build a good relationship with the company so that you’re considered for the position if you’re not selected. These are some of the basic things you should keep in mind while preparing for the job interview round. Keep these tips in mind, and you’re sure to get through the interview with flying colors.

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You can do a few things to make sure that you get selected as an ideal candidate. It’s all about you and your experience. Keep in mind that the company doesn’t need an exact sample in terms of skill and experience; they need an overall picture of the person. So keep your resume polished, ensure that you have all the relevant experience, make sure that you’re punctual, that you’re always well-presented, that you’re friendly, and that you’re a team player. Never forget to be yourself.

A Quick FAQ to HR Interview

Every company conducts an HR interview round to judge your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses, your capability to handle the role, to check your background, and to understand if you’re the right fit for this job. The HR round is generally the last round in the recruitment process of any company.

In simplest terms, the HR (Human Resources) department is a group who is responsible for managing the employee life cycle (i.e., recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and firing employees) and administering employee benefits.

I‘m just looking for a good opportunity to prove my talent and skills. I can bring success to your company. In addition, I am hard working, an amazing team player and loyal. This is why I think I make a good choice for this role.”

HR stands for Human Resources. The manager who is responsible for recruiting the candidates, handling management tasks and provide direction to the newly recruited employees in a structured manner, is called HR Manager. The Human Resource Management (HRM) is the most important department in any company.

There is one thing you should do immediately after the interview: send a thank-you letter or email to the person who interviewed you. Then, you begin the waiting game.